Roles on Council

Job descriptions for Officers and for Members of Council of the Mineralogical Society

All members of Council are advised, at least once per year, to read through the Trustee’s Handbook, which tells them everything they need to know about the workings of the Society. They should also read the Charity Commission’s document: Charity Trustee: What’s involved?

President (2-year term)

Business meetings
Chair three meetings each of Officers/Finance committee and four meetings of the Council
Review paperwork for meetings
Approve and sign minutes

Play an active role in the set-up of conferences, e.g. attend meetings with potential collaborators
Suggest topics/venues/convenors; contact them

Push for nominations for Society Awards

Promote the Society Nationally and Internationally

Write two pieces per year for Elements
Review functioning of various committees and protocols

Interface with staff
The President is a member of the staff appraisal/pay review committee

President-elect (1-year term, followed by two years as president)

This is an opportunity for the President Elect to get to grips with the activities of the Society before assuming the chair.

General Secretary (six-year term)

Business meetings
Attend (chair, in the absence of the President) three meetings each of Officers/Finance committee and four meetings of the Council

Play an active role in the set-up of conferences; encourage participation by SIGs

Push for nominations for Society Awards

Promote the Society Nationally and Internationally
Membership (key role to play here, perhaps by extending interaction with Departmental reps and others in a position to encourage students to join)

Write one piece per year for Elements
Review functioning of various committees and protocols

The GS is the key officer to interface with staff, liaising with regard to pay and conditions, and to resolve any disputes.
The Secretary is a member of the staff appraisal/pay review committee
The Secretary has a responsibility to meet and welcome new members of Council

To other Societies/organizations
Responsible for guiding changes to the byelaws through council and AGMs.

Offer contributions to both of these regularly

Treasurer (six-year term)

Business meetings
Attend (chair, in the absence of the President and General Secretary) three meetings each of Officers/Finance committee and four meetings of the Council

Push for nominations for Society Awards

Promote the Society Nationally and Internationally

Financial Administration
Review all financial matters and act as an official Society signatory.
Provide detailed financial reports (including status of investments) at each Business meeting of the Society
Act as chair and call regular (at least one per year) meetings of the Investment Committee, and report thereafter to Finance committee and Council.

Meet with staff and auditor to finalize annual accounts

The treasurer is a member of the staff appraisal/pay review committee

To other Societies/organizations

Offer contributions to both of these regularly

Publications Manager (six-year term)

Business meetings
Attend three meetings each of the Publications committee (acting as chair) and four meetings of the Council each year

Oversee the publication of the Landmark Series, the Society Book series, the journals (including e-journals), the website, and any other publications considered
Encourage and review all proposals for publications and present them to the Publications Committee

Keep a watching brief on the Society’s conference list, to watch for possible publishing opportunities in a book, online, or in one of the journals.
Play an active role in the set-up of conferences, e.g. attend meetings with potential collaborators

Suggest topics/venues/convenors; contact them

Push for nominations for Society Awards

Promote the Society Nationally and Internationally

Offer contributions to both of these regularly

Interface with staff

Journal Editors (three-year terms, renewable)

Edit the journal
Attend three meetings each of the Publications and Officers Committees and two meetings of Council
Submit written reports for each of these meeting (one will suffice for Publications/Officers, which take place on the same day)

Keep a watching brief on the Society’s conference list, to watch for possible publishing opportunities in a book, online, or in one of the journals.

Push for nominations for Society Awards

Promote the Society Nationally and Internationally

Interface with staff

Offer contributions to both of these regularly


Custodian Trustees (2-3 people at any given time)

Custodian Trustees shall be appointed by the Council from among the Members of the Society.  They are expected to attend up to three meetings per year of the Officers/Finance Committee. Custodian Trustees are also invited (but not bound) to attend up to two meetings of the full Council per year.
The role involves the following responsibilities:
Assessing the overall value of the Society’s investments and assets. Oversee the performance of the Society’s investment managers. Report on progress at Officers’ and Council meetings.
Assess the Society’s Annual Budget and suggest improvements.
Assess and query the Society’s Annual Accounts and Report.
Join fully in all discussions about financial management and the various activities of the Society.

Public Relations Officer (six-year term)

Business meetings
Attend three meetings each of the Publications committee and four meetings of the Council each year

Be the Society’s focal person for interaction with other learned Societies and with organizations such as NERC, BAS, BGS etc.
In conjunction with staff, create and maintain advertising material for books, conferences, membership, awards, educational material and the website
Promotion of the Society at conferences, to industry, and internationally, by devising posters, fliers and advertising.
Promotion of society in geologically emerging nations, e.g. China
Review, update and enhance website on a regular basis
Responsible for oversight of Society’s social media presence
Seeking potential sponsorship opportunities for meetings, etc. from commercial organizations
Fostering links with the general public through the organization of public lectures on topical mineralogical themes

Act as the Society spokesperson for enquiries by the press and attempt to get topical mineralogical stories into the media – perhaps through press releases about meetings – etc

Offer contributions to both of these regularly

Elements representative (three-year term)

Business meetings
Attend three meetings each of the Publications committee and four meetings of the Council each year

Report news from the Executive Committee of Elements to the Society officers and council.
Act as liaison between the Society and Elements, informing officers of the need for input when required.

Group Chairs

Lead the special interest group; organizing meetings and other events, and participating in the meetings of others.
Encourage participation in Annual Conferences of the Society where appropriate
Ensure the running, both financial and administrative, in accordance with the decisions of council and in accordance with the byelaws.

Business meetings
Attend four meetings of the Council each year, reporting at each, the activities since the previous meeting, and offering topics for discussion.

Provide an annual report (covering the period 1st July-30th June, separate from those listed above), for inclusion in the Society’s Annual Report.

Ordinary Members of Council (three-year term)

Business meetings
Attend four meetings of the Council each year, and help govern the Society.
Agree to carry out tasks as requested by Council, e.g. to join an ad hoc committee