New Topics in Mineralogy 2: The mineral–microbe interface through time and space

2–3 December 2021


The Mineralogical Society hosted an excellent two-day “New Topics in in Mineral Sciences”  meeting focusing on the importance of the mineral-microbe interface.  Topics explored spanned the role of mineral surfaces in the emergence of life on Earth (and potentially other planets), through to the key role of  this interface in controlling modern global biogeochemical cycles.  Recent advances in the fundamental understanding of these important processes were presented, alongside more applied aspects of the mineral-microbe interface. The latter included new biotechnological innovations underpinning sustainable mineral bioprocessing, biomineralisation, bioremediation and energy applications.

This programme listing includes links to the author abstracts. In some cases, permission has been granted to link to a video recording of the presentation. A list of posters (with links to abstracts) is given at the end of this page.

Day 1 Evolution and Current Biogeochemistry
9.45-10.30: Fungal Biomineralization, Gadd*, G.M.
10.30-11.00: Peatland iron cycling in a warming world. Bryce*, C. (Video Recording)
11.00-11.30: Arsenic, mercury and shallow submarine hydrothermal biogeochemical cycling. Chi Fru*, E. (Video Recording)
11.30-12.00:  Adaptation of mineral shaping molecules to environmental chemistry. Rickaby*, R. E. M.,  Lee, R. B. Y. and  Claxton, L. M.
13.00-13.30 Is mineral stabilisation of organic carbon a fundamental control on planetary homeostasis?, Peacock*, C.L., Moore, O.W. and Curti, L.
13.30-14.00: Mineral interfaces and abiotic organic synthesis on Mars – Implications for life detection and Origin of life on Earth. A. Steele
14.00-14.30: Sunlight-promoted Synergy of semiconducting minerals and electrogenic microbes in biogeochemical cycling of elements. Liu*, J. and Cheng H.
14.30-15.00: Playing with Fire: How do microbiomes colonize and persist within wildfire-impacted forest soil ecosystems?  Wilkins*, M.J., Nelson, A.R., Roth, H., Borch, T. and Rhoades C.C. (Video Recording)
15.15-15.45: Deep life, bio-energetics and biogeochemical cycling in subseafloor sediments. Bradley*, J. A., Arndt, S., Amend, J. P., Burwicz, E., Dale, A. W., Egger, M., Ruff, S. E. and LaRowe, D. E.
15.45-16.30: The kaolinite shuttle and phosphate supply to Early Paleoproterozoic oceans. Konhauser*, K., Hao, W., Li, Y. and Alessi, D. (Video Recording)

Day 2 Current Biogeochemistry and New Technologies
9.45-10.30: Algae-mineral-ice interactions: what darkens Greenland’s ice?, Benning, L.G. (Video Recording)
10.30-11.00: Metal(loid)s dependent anaerobic methane oxidation – A case study from Vietnam. Martyna Glodowska*, AdvectAs project members, Mike Jetten, Cornelia Welte and Andreas Kappler (Video Recording)
11.00-11.30: Metagenomic analysis of biogeochemical interaction networks: insights into the arsenic mobilization in a high As aquifer. Xiu*, W, Wu, M., Lloyd, J.R., Nixon, S., Bassil, N.M. and Guo, H.
11.30-12.15: Mineral-Microbe Coevolution and Implications for Environmental Applications. Dong, H.L.
13.00-13.30: Geoconductors forging partnerships between species involved in methane emissions. Rotaru, A.E
13.30-14.00: Microbially enhanced geologic carbon and gas storage – From the laboratory to commercial application. Andrew C. Mitchell*, Robin Gerlach, Adrienne Phillips, James Connolly, Logan Schultz, Catherine Kirkland, Arwyn Edwards, Sara Rassner, Randy Hiebert and Alfred Cunningham (Video Recording)
14.00-14.30: Chromium (VI) inhibition during bioprocessing of Ni-Co limonitic laterites. Santos, A.L.* and Johnson, D.B. (Video Recording)
14.30-15.15: Microbial Extracellular Electron Exchange with Minerals and Other Microbes. Lovley, D.R. (Video Recording)

Summary by Jon Lloyd (chair – Video Recording)

Correlation between mechanisms of K extraction and gene expression by a fungus growing on silicates of different resistance to dissolution
Flavia Pinzari, Javier Cuadros, Anne D. Jungblut, Jens Najorka, Emma Humphreys-Williams

Mineral-microbe interactions at extinct hydrothermal vents supports a distinct hydrothermal vent ecosystem
Rose Jones, Margaret K. Tivey, Jason B. Sylvan, and Brandy M. Toner

Maya Plaster and Stone Following a Bio-Conservation Treatment: insights into the bacterial diversity evolution
Fadwa Jroundi, Kerstin Elert, Encarnación Ruiz-Agudo, María Teresa Gonzalez-Muñoz and Carlos Rodríguez-Navarro

Microbe–mineral interfaces in polyextreme environments: Using focused ion beam nanotomography to visualize the association between microbes, authigenic clay, and carbonates in Atacama Desert playa lakes
I. Lascu and E.P. Suosaari

Microbially influenced changes in saturated bentonite microcosms: selenium biotransformation and copper disc corrosion
M.F. Martinez-Moreno, C. Povedano-Priego, G. Lazuen-Lopez, E. Gonzalez-Morales, J.J. Ojeda, F. Jroundi and M.L. Merroun

Using microbial and geochemical techniques to understand arsenic-mobilisation in aquifers
O.C. Moore, W.  Xiu, N.M. Bassil, L.A. Richards, .B.E. van Dongen, D.A. Polya and J.R. Lloyd

Life in presence of heavy metals: the role of fungi in lead, tellurium and selenium bioremediation
M. Morales-Hidalgo, C. Povedano-Priego, M. Cano-Cano, F. Jroundi, I. Martín-Sánchez and M.L. Merroun

The EPSRC Radioactive Waste Disposal and Environmental Remediation (RADER) Natural Nuclear User Facility
Katherine Morris, Jon Lloyd, Sam Shaw and Tony Stockdale

Multidisciplinary Characterization of Uranium Mine Water: U Bioremediation Perspectives
A.M. Newman-Portela, E. Krawczyk-Bärsch, M. Lopez-Fernandez, F. Bok, A. Kassahun, J. Raff and M.L.  Merroun

Using microbial iron reduction to explore the limits to life
S.L. Nixon, E. Bonsall and C.S. Cockell

Remediation of a mill tailings impoundment using a multi-layer biosolid/desulfurized tailings cover: microbiological field study
Eva Pakostova, Mason McAlary, Samantha McGarry, Carol J. Ptacek and David W. BlowesNewman-Portela-Antonio-M.-abstract-new-topics-2

Unravelling key protein systems for reduction and biotransformation of Se(IV) in Stenotrophomonas bentonitica BII-R7
M. Pinel-Cabello, V. Chapon M.A. Ruiz-Fresneda, B. Alpha-Bazin, C. Berthomieu, J. Armengaud and M.L. Merroun

Bioreduction of Se(IV) to Se(0) nanoparticles enhanced by the microbial community of bentonite
C. Povedano-Priego, F. Jroundi, Mar Morales-Hidalgo, Ramiro Vilchez-Vargas, Isabel Guerra Tschuschke, Maria del Mar Abad Ortega, Inés Martín-Sánchez and Mohamed L. Merroun

Fungi handling phosphorus: soil fungi ability to solubilise inorganic phosphate and mediate secondary minerals formation
V. Spinelli, A. Ceci, F. Pinzari, B. Felici and A.M. Persiani

Steps towards sustainable treatment of micropollutants in water using microbially-mediated redox processes in clay minerals
M.L. White, L. Liu, J.J.N. Kitson and A. Neumann

Shared or separate? Co-respiration of arsenic and selenium by Shewanella sp. O23S
Staicu, L.C., Wόjtowicz, P.J., Baragaño, D., Pόsfai, M., Molnár, Z., Ruiz-Agudo, E. and Gallego, J.L.R.

Microbial reduction of antimony(V)-bearing ferrihydrite by Geobacter sulfurreducens
Jinxin Xie, Victoria Coker, Brian O’Driscoll, Rongsheng Cai, Sarah Haigh and Jonathan R. Lloyd*