
Principal Editor:

Prof. George Christidis – gchristidis@tuc.gr – School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, GR-73 100, Chania, Greece

Prof. Chun Hui Zhouqyimcn@126.com – Research Group for Advanced Materials & Sustainable Catalysis (AMSC), Institute of Advanced Catalytic Materials, State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Green Chemistry-Synthesis Technology, College of Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China

Production Editor:

Kevin Murphy (kevin@minersoc.org)

Associate Editors

Professor Martine Buatier,  martine.buatier@univ-fcomte.fr
Dr Javier Cuadros,  J.Cuadros@nhm.ac.uk
Dr Margarita Darder, darder@icmm.csic.es
Prof. Arek Derkowski, ndderkow@cyf-kr.edu.pl
Dr Michele Dondi, michele.dondi@istec.cnr.it
Professor Liva Dzene, liva.dzene@uha.fr
Prof. S. Fiore,  saverio.fiore@cnr.it
Dr A.-C. Gaillot, Anne-Claire.Gaillot@cnrs-imn.fr 
Professor Hendrik Heinz,
Dr S. Hillier
,   Stephen.Hillier@hutton.ac.uk
Professor He Hongping, hehp@gig.ac.cn
Dr F. J. Huertas,  javier.huertas@csic.es
Prof. W. D. Huff,   huffwd@ucmail.uc.edu
Prof. João A. Labrincha,  jal@cv.av.pt
Dr L. J. Michot,  laurent.michot@upmc.fr
Dr Miroslav Pospíšil,  pospisil@karlov.mff.cuni.cz
Prof. Balwant Singh,  balwant.singh@sydney,edu.au
Dr A.G. Türkmenoğlu,  asumant@metu.edu.tr
Prof. Laurence N. Warr,  warr@uni-greifswald.de
Dr Huaming Yang, hmyang@csu.edu.cn