Max Hey medal

Nominations are sought from members of the Society for the award of this medal which was founded in 1993 and named in honour of the eminent British mineralogist Dr M.H. Hey (1904–1984). It has been established by the Council of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland and has the purpose:

‘To recognise existing and ongoing research of excellence carried out by young workers, within the fields of either Mineralogy, Crystallography, Petrology or Geochemistry. Evidence of excellence should be in the form of work published in highly-regarded, international scientific journals. In a change to the rules used in previous years, the nominated candidates do not necessarily need to be Members of the Mineralogical Society. On the closing date for nominations, candidates must be within 15 years of the award of their first degree, except where there has been a career break, detailed in the nomination, in which case the committee chair may agree to accept nominations from candidates for whom the first degree was awarded more than 15 years previously.’

Nominations should be supported by (i) a statement on the merits of the candidate; (ii) a summary curriculum vitae; and (iii) a list of published work.

There are two ways in which to submit nominations:

(a) In addition to the statement by the main nominator, there should be a letter of support from a seconder; both nominator and seconder should be members of the Society. Further letters of support may be submitted from up to two additional people (who do not have to be members of the Society).


(b) By completing the standard  form to which nominators, seconders and others may contribute. The aim is to reduce the amount of work required to make a nomination.

Nominations will remain on the table for three years, as long as the timing requirement is upheld.  Previous recipients of the award, Society Officers, members of Council and members of the Committee (at the time of nomination and adjudication) will not be eligible for the award.

Nominations are now being sought for the 2023 award.

Nominations for the 2023 medal should be sent to the Chair of the Awards Committee, at the Society’s office, to arrive not later than 15th April 2023. If not using the form mentioned above, submissions should be in the form of a single package in pdf format, to include the nomination papers, a 2–3 page CV of the candidate and the additional letters of support. The nomination package should be attached to an e-mail with a title which identifies the name of the award and the name of the nominee. The e-mail address to use is

The nominations will be considered and recommendations for the award made by the Society’s Awards Committee.

Previous Winners

2023 R. Palin
2022 S. Nixon
2021  A. Borst
2020   E. Kiseeva
2019   T. Müller
2018   O. Lord
2017   V. Coker
2016   P. Pogge von Strandmann
2015  S.J. Mills
2014  C. Greenwell
2013  N. Tosca and H. Heinz (joint)
2012  M. Humphreys
2011  D. Morgan
2010  T. Kasama
2009  A. Walker
2008  D. Gatta
2007  M. Warren
2006  A.D. Fortes
2005  P.W.O. Hoskin
2004  M.E. Hodson and L. Vocadlo – Joint Winners
2003  R.J. Harrison
2002  D.J. Frost
2001  A.C. Kerr
2000  I.C.W. Fitzsimons and R.W. Kent – Joint winners
1999  A. Pawley
1998  M.R. Lee
1997 J.J. Wilkinson
1996  No award
1995 S.C. Kohn
1994 S.A.T. Redfern
1993  R.J. Angel