Open Access Policy

1. The Mineralogical Society, in  conjunction with its journal publishing partner, Cambridge University Press, takes a hybrid approach to publication, enabling a combination of Gold (author pays) Open Access, Green (repository) Open Access and access-controlled articles. See the Cambridge site for terms of OA publishing.

Gold Open Access

2. For an article to be published on a Gold Open Access basis, the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC) is required on acceptance of the article for publication. Payment must be received prior to online publication. The APC charged for Gold OA will be £2045 (plus tax, where applicable) for articles (£1370 for Society members).
3. APC charges will be reviewed periodically, and may be waived, e.g. in the case of invited journal articles.
4. Gold OA articles will be published under the terms of the CC-BY 4.0/CC BY NC SA 4.0/CC BY NC ND 4.0 license.

Read & Publish

Check here to see if you are eligible for an APC waiver  or Discount under the terms of a ‘Read and Publish’ deal between Cambridge University Press and your institution.

Green Open Access

5. All articles may be published under the terms of Green Open Access.
6. See the Cambridge site for details of what is allowed in terms of posting.

Compliance with funder and license requirements

7. In all cases, it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that their chosen route to publication is compliant with any requirements or obligation placed upon them by their funder or employer. Neither Cambridge University Press nor the Mineralogical Society takes responsibility for advising authors on compliance.

8. Authors wishing to have their article published via Gold Open Access have responsibility for ensuring that all components of their work (for example, data, figures or tables included in the final version) are compatible with the requirements of the relevant ‘Creative Commons’ license. Neither Cambridge University Press nor the Mineralogical Society can advise on such issues, nor undertake negotiations with rights holders on an author’s behalf.