Structure of the Society’s Administration

The Society has three formal administrative committees which meet regularly to discuss the running of the Society, i.e. its finance, publications, meetings etc., as well as all matters of policy. These are the Council, the Finance/Officers Committee and the Publications Committee.

At the beginning of 2017, the Publications Committee was merged with the combined Finance/Officers’ Committee.

The governing body of the Society is the Council, which comprises the actual charity trustees of the Society, i.e. those who are legally responsible under charity law for the running of the organisation. The Council includes the Officers, the chairpersons or nominated representatives of the eight special interest groups, six Fellows or Members who are elected to the position of Ordinary Member of Council and the three ‘Custodian Trustees’. Council meets twice per year in April and October/November.

Finance/Officers/Publications committee

The Finance/Officers/Publications Committee consists of the President, the General Secretary, the Treasurer, the Publications Manager, the Principal Editors of each of the two journals, the Public Relations Officer and three Custodian Trustees. The committee meets three times per year, in March, May (by telephone only) and September. The Publications Committee may also meet in October/November in conjunction with the Council meeting. The purpose of this committee is to deal with any matters of policy, finance or business arising and to make recommendations to Council. These meetings are normally chaired by the President.

Each year vacancies arise on Council and on other Society committees. Members and Fellows are encouraged to contribute to the running of the Society by volunteering to serve in some capacity. Contact Kevin Murphy anytime for information about how best you can serve your Society. Download a Council Nomination form here.

Job descriptions for all positions on Council (Society trustees) are given here.

Current listing of all Society personnel