Previous meetings, reports



Metamorphic Studies Group: Research in Progress Meeting 2020 (virtual)
27–28 May 2020
Meeting report
Programme and Abstracts
Video recordings of some oral presentations
Contact: Catherine Mottram


Geomicrobiology Network: Research in Progress Meeting 2019
27–28 June 2019
Programme and Abstracts
Contact: Laura Kelly

Applied Mineralogy Group – Environmental Mineralogy Group joint Research in Progress Meeting
13 June 2019
Meeting Report
Contact: Alicja Lacinska

Clay Minerals Group and Environmental Chemistry Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry
‘Clay minerals in the natural and built environment: formation, chemistry & applications’
Programme and Abstracts
17 May 2019
Newcastle University, England
Contact: A. Neumann

3rd International Critical Metals meeting
30 April–2 May 2019
Edinburgh, Scotland
Contact: E. Deady

Geochemistry Group, GGRiP
15–17 April 2019
University of Portsmouth, England
Contact: C. Storey

Metamorphic Studies Group, Research in Progress
5 March 2019
University of Portsmouth, England
Contact: C. Mottram


Granulites and Granulites 2018
10–13 July 2018
Ullapool, Scotland
Contact: K. Murphy
Editorial from Special Issue of Journal of Metamorphic Geology, containing papers arising out of this meeting.

(Copyright (c) 2019 Wiley & Sons Ltd; Reproduced with permission from Johnson et al. (2019) Into the melting pot: A celebration of the career of Michael Brown. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37, 889–897.)


NAC+ 2016 
21–23 March 2016
Contact: H. Hughes


Euroclay 2015, plus original website (including links to presentations, abstract volume, publications arising out of the meeting)
Contact: K. Murphy


North Atlantic Cratons  
20–21 March 2014
St. Andrews
Contact: K. Murphy


Society’s Annual Meeting
Minerals for Life: Overcoming Resource Constraints 
17–19 June 2013
Contact: K. Murphy

Volcanid & Magmatic Studies Group
Volcanism, Impacts and Mass Extinctions: Causes and Effects – report
27–29 March 2013
Contacts: Andrew Kerr, Gerta Keller, Norman Macleod, Mike Widdowson 


Society’s Annual Meeting
2–6 September 2012
EMC2012: Planet Earth – from Core to Surface (joint meeting between MinSoc and eight other European Mineralogical Societies)
Contacts: Kevin Murphy; Frankfurt Organizing Team
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany

19-20 April 2012
Environmental Mineralogy Group, Society for General
Microbiology, Geological Society, British Mycological Society, and the
Mineralogical Society
Geomicrobiology and its significance for biosphere Processes
Contacts: Jon Lloyd, Joanne Santini, Geoff Gadd
Venue: University of Manchester

3 March 2012
Nature’s  Treasures 4
Contacts: K.  Murphy, R. Starkey, J. Ogden
Venue: Oxford University Museum of Natural History


21-24 June 2011
Annual Meeting of the  Society
Frontiers in Environmental Geoscience
Contacts: N. Pearce, Aberystwyth University, Wales, UK; Karen Hudson-Edwards, Birkbeck  College, University of London, UK
Venue: Aberystwyth University, Wales,


28-29 September 2010
Mineralogical Society Annual Conference, in collaboration with the Geological Society
Nuclear Waste Management: Research Challenges for the future
Contact: Ian Farnan


30th August-4th September 2009
Annual Meeting of the  Mineralogical Society, in conjunction with Société  Française de Minéralogie et de Cristallographie and the Deutsche Mineralogische  Gesellschaft
MicroAnalysis, Processes, Time
Contact: Simon Harley

12–13 February 2009
Mineral Physics Group, in association with the British Geophysical Association
New Views of the Earth’s Interior
Contact: J. Brodholt

5-8 January 2009
Mineral Deposits Studies Group/Applied Mineralogy Group
Winter Meeting
Contacts: Jens Anderson, Frances Wall, Ben Williamson:


December 2008
Joint Meeting of the Mineralogical Society, the Russell Society and Gem-A
Nature’s Treasures: Minerals and Gems

Contact: K. Murphy
Mineralogical Society

3-5 September 2008
Clay Minerals Group, with the British Society of Soil Science
Aluminium and Silicon in the Soil Environment and the Application of Infrared Spectroscopy
Contact: S. Hillier, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen

17-22 August 2008
Joint Meeting of the Mineralogical  Society, IAGC and the Natural History Museum
Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface 8
Contact: M.E. Hodson
Natural History Museum, London