Barrow Award – 2020 Warren

The Metamorphic Studies Group is pleased to announce the winner of the inaugural Barrow Award, 2020, to

Dr. Clare Warren of The Open University

The Metamorphic Studies Group committee introduces a new award, named after George Barrow (1853-1932), geologist with the Geological Survey of Great Britain and the first to assign index minerals to zones of progressive metamorphism, Barrow Zones.

 “The Barrow Award is awarded annually to a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to metamorphic studies. Publications, teaching, outreach and other activities leading to the promotion of metamorphic geology, in the broadest sense, are taken into account in making the award.

Clare is an outstanding scientist who has demonstrated consistent excellence in and commitment to not only doing first-rate research in metamorphic geology, but in inspiring others to do the same through personal example and constructive engagement in her own community and beyond. She is someone who creates opportunities for herself, her students, and the geological community at large. In short, she is an ideal awardee for the MSG Barrow Award.

Dr. Clare Warren is a Senior Lecturer at The Open University, UK, where she has been based since 2011 as a NERC Postdoctoral and Advanced Postdoctoral Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, and Senior Lecturer. Clare completed her undergraduate studies and PhD entitled ‘Subduction of the Arabian continental margin beneath the Semail Ophiolite, Oman: insights from U-Pb geochronology and metamorphic modelling’ at the University of Oxford. Subsequently, Clare was a Killam Fellow at Dalhousie University, Canada.

Clare’s contribution to metamorphic petrology is that of a multi-method and multi-scale thinker and versatile researcher. She has made significant contributions to more than one topic in metamorphic petrology from mineral scale processes (Ar diffusion) to large-scale tectonics (exhumation of UHP rocks or evolution of the Himalayas). She has challenged existing paradigms and made a significant indent in “established” methodologies showing, for example, that other mechanisms have to be considered when interrogating Ar-Ar data.  Similarly, her work on UHP exhumation has proposed potential mechanisms that do not rely on the usual suspects (e.g. slab break off).

Her profile represents that of a modern petrologist, who can work with multiple tools and strategies including textures, isotopes, numerical modeling, field work, geochronology, tectonics and geodynamics. This breath of expertise is rare and she manages this exceptionally well. She is a well-recognised Earth Scientist within and across fields and a great role model for the whole community.

Clare is an energetic and effective ambassador for Earth Science in general and metamorphic geology in particular. Clare is a terrific catalyst – someone who will plunge in and organise seminars, workshops, field trips, and weekly tennis games as appropriate.

Clare is dedicated to serve the science community through organisation of groups, workshops and conferences, and as an editor. Her contribution to the Metamorphic Studies Group goes well beyond the call of duty and service, where she has served for over 10 years on the committee including as secretary and treasurer. Her educational achievements and high standards are reflected in the award of the Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Through service and education, she has touched and improved the science experience of many colleagues, both junior and senior.

Clare’s outstanding scientific record in metamorphic geology, her excellent efforts in

supervising students of metamorphic processes and her highly commendable activities in support of the metamorphic community make her a well-deserved awardee of the Barrow Award. Clare demonstrates the importance of female scientists for the entire Earth science community, and we believe that the Barrow Award is a fitting recognition of Clare’s tireless work promoting metamorphic geology for the whole science community.

Words of support adapted from Daniela Rubatto, Becky Jamieson, Matthias Konrad- Schmolke and Ralf Halama.

The Barrow Award 2020 was judged by: Daniela Rubatto, Bernado Cesare, Bruce Yardley, Matthias Konrad-Schmolke and Nick Rogers. Clare was nominated for the award by Ralf Halama and her application was supported by Rebecca Jamieson and Jan Wijbrans.