
Mineral Physics Group Travel Bursary Scheme

The Mineral Physics Group invites applications for its bursary scheme. The purpose of this scheme is to support members of the Mineralogical Society and others to develop, undertake, apply and communicate research in the broad field of mineral physics. This includes supporting attendance at conferences, meetings and workshops, although we particularly encourage applications to support visits to overseas laboratories and national/international research facilities, including synchrotron and neutron radiation facilities that do not support travel.

Applications are welcomed from all researchers at a University or research institute in the UK, but preference will be given to post-graduate students in their penultimate or final year of study, who do not have access to funding for research related travel. In the case where applications outstrip funds available, applicants who are members of the Society will be preferred.

There are two deadlines for applications:  the 15th of January and the  15th of July each year.

Applications will be judged primarily on the basis of academic merit, scientific impact and researcher development by members of the Mineral Physics Group committee. This scheme is run in addition to other bursary schemes offered by the Mineralogical Society and its other Special Interest Groups ( Applicants are allowed to receive more than one award (but not in the same year) from the Society/Special Interest Groups, and must include details of previous awards in their application.

Applications should be sent electronically to the secretary of the Mineral Physics Group of the Mineralogical Society (  and must include:

  1. Case for support detailing (where applicable) the nature of the work to be conducted, and/or reasons for travel, academic benefit of the proposed work for the mineral physics community (not more than 1 side of A4, PDF only).
  2. Full breakdown of the estimated costs. Where feasible, we encourage applicants to use low carbon emission transportation methods.
  3. Full details of all applications submitted or being submitted to other bursary schemes. The committee will look favorably upon applicants who seek to obtain matching funds from other bodies/organisations.
  4. A letter of support by the applicant’s academic supervisors (in the case of applications by postgraduate students), confirming the need for funding.
  5. A CV (PDF) for the applicant.

The following restrictions apply:

  1. Applications should ideally be received not less than eight weeks in advance of the proposed trip.
  2. Bursaries are limited to a maximum of £500.
  3. The decision of the Mineral Physics Group committee regarding awards is final, and resubmission of unsuccessful applications is not normally permitted unless specifically requested by the committee.
  4. Successful applicants must include the Mineral Physics Group logo in any related presentations and provide a one-page report (PDF) outlining how the money was used. This report will be posted on the bursary report section of the Mineralogical Society website (

Please note that funds available to the Mineral Physics Group are limited and the committee reserves the right to make no awards in any given calendar year and to halt the bursary scheme without prior warning. Copies of all receipts and evidence of travel are required before any funds will be paid. Successful applicants must use the money for the purpose specified in the application, i.e. the bursaries are not transferable. Applicants who, for whatever reason are unable to undertake the project for which the funds are requested, must return the money immediately to the Mineral Physics Group.

Finally, successful applicants are encouraged to support the activities of the Mineral Physics Group and the Society. This includes attending a group/Society event, offering to help convene a session, helping with the work of publicizing the Society, assisting with MPG committee work, submitting a paper to one of the Society’s journals etc. The group and the Society have much to offer. Go to to read more.