
Society personnel

Each year vacancies arise on Council and on other Society committees. Members and Fellows are encouraged to contribute to the running of the Society by volunteering to serve in some capacity. Job descriptions for all positions on Council (Society trustees) are given here. Contact Kevin Murphy any time for information about how best you can serve your Society.

Click here to download a Council Nomination form.

Click here for a list of job descriptions for all roles on Council.

Council and other committees

Council consists of the Officers, the Ordinary Members of Council and the chairs of the Special Interest Groups (or their representatives). The numbers in parentheses indicate the final year of office.


President: S. Gibson (24) (e-mail)
Secretary: E. Deady (25, April) (e-mail)
Treasurer: J. Harvey (24) (e-mail)
Publications Manager:  R.J. Bowell (25) (e-mail)
PRO: J. Byrne (26) (e-mail)
EDI Officer: L. Kelly (24) (e-mail)
Principal Editor, Mineralogical Magazine: R. Mitchell (24) (e-mail)
Principal Editor, Mineralogical Magazine: S. Mills (24) (e-mail)
Principal Editor, Clay Minerals: G. Christidis (25) (e-mail)
Principal Editor, Clay Minerals: Chun-Hui Zhou (24) (e-mail)
Elements Representative: M.E. Hodson (e-mail)

Ordinary members of council

M. Rumsey (23) (e-mail)
N. Gray-Wannell (23) (e-mail)
R. Taylor (23) (e-mail)
S. Hammond (24) (e-mail)
B. Sarkar (25) (e-mail)
C. Manning (25) (e-mail)


A. Neumann (23) (e-mail)
J. Byrne (e-mail) (24)

Custodian Trustees
D. Wray (23) (e-mail)
M. Widdowson (23) (e-mail)
H. Downes (27) (e-mail)

Awards committee

Chair: Barbara Kunz e-mail (26)

AMG – M. Smith (e-mail)
CMG – A. Neumann e-mail
EMG –  Laura Newsome e-mail
GG – M.-A. Millet (e-mail)
GMBN – John Moreau email
MPG – Oliver Lord e-mail
MSG – O. Weller (e-mail)
VMSG – T. Mather (e-mail)

EDI Committee

Chair: Laura Kelly
EMG – Ece Kirat e-mail
MSG – Anna Bidgood e-mail
CMG – Binoy Sarkar e-mail
AMG – Katie McFall e-mail
GG – Queenie Chan e-mail
GG – Savannah Worne  e-mail
MPG – Oliver Lord e-mail
VMSG -K. Preece e-mail
GMBN – Ana Santos e-mail


Special Interest Groups

Applied Mineralogy Group

Chair: M. Smith e-mail
Secretary: H. Grant e-mail
Treasurer: R. Shaw e-mail
PRO: E. Marquis e-mail
Awards Officer: Anouk Borst e-mail
Events/EDI Officer: Katie McFall e-mail
Student representatives: Christian Bishop e-mail, Katie Devenish e-mail, Adam Eskdale e-mail,  Tim Webster e-mail
MDSG Rep: Rachael Gallagher e-mail
Members: J.Bowles (retired) e-mail, A. Finch e-mail, H. Hughes e-mail, A. Lacinska e-mail, J. MacDonald e-mail, W. Brownscombe e-mail

Clay Minerals Group

Chair: A. Neumann e-mail; web
Secretary: H. Pendlowski e-mailweb
Treasurer: F. Clegg  e-mailweb

Editors of Clay Minerals:  G.E. Christidis e-mailweb; Chun Hui Zhou e-mail
EDI officer:
B. Sarkar e-mail; web
Members: S. Hillier e-mailweb, D. Wray e-mailweb, K. Shafran e-mail; web; S.J. Kemp e-mailweb, M. Baker e-mail; web, A. Marsh e-mail

Environmental Mineralogy Group

Chair: Laura Newsome e-mail
Secretary: R. Courtney  e-mail;
Treasurer: Thomas Neill e-mail;
Student representative: Latham Haigh e-mail;
Communications Officer: James Byrne e-mail;
Early Career Representative: Luke Townsend e-mail;
Industrial representative:
EDI Representative: Ece Kirat e-mail
Kath Rothwell e-mail

Geochemistry Group

Chair: Marc-Alban Millet (24) e-mail
Secretary: M. Laure-Bagard (25) e-mail
Treasurer: J. Barling (27) email
Communications Officer: G. Inglis (24) e-mail
EDI Officer: joint: Q. Chan (25) e-mail, S. Worne (25) e-mail
Student representative: S. Slater e-mail (24)
Members: P. Savage (25) e-mail, H. Williams (24) e-mail, D. Wilson (24) e-mail, C. Menzies (25) e-mail, S. Slater (25) e-mail, E. Georgiadis (25) e-mail, M. Stow (26) e-mail, J. Bendle (26) e-mail

Geomicrobiology Network

Chair: John Moreau email
Deputy chair: Casey Bryce email
: Laura Kelly email
EDI Officer: Ana Santos e-mail
: Andy Mitchell e-mail

Post-doctoral representative and communications officer: vacant
Post-graduate student representative: Chloe Morgan email
Awards officers: Simon Rout, Karen Olsson-Francis
Publications Coordinator: Karen Cameron e-mail
Industry Liaison: Matt Streets email
: T. Clarke e-mail; G. Gadd e-mail;  P. Humphreys e-mail, H. Sass e-mail; Jon Telling e-mail, Jon Lloyd e-mail

Metamorphic Studies Group

Chair: O. Weller e-mail
Richard Palin e-mail
Treasurer: Barbara Kunz e-mail
Members: Catherine Mottram e-mail; Batzi Fischer e-mail
EDI Officer: Anna Bidgood e-mail
Field-trip Representative: Thomas Lamont e-mail
International Representatives: Ines Pereira e-mail; Caroline Lotout e-mail
Post-grad Representative, webmaster and Social Media: N. Lucas e-mail
Barrow Award organizer:
Freya George e-mail

Mineral Physics Group

Chair: Oliver Lord e-mail; web
Secretary: Eleanor Jennings e-mailweb;
Treasurer: S. Stackhouse e-mail; web
EDI Rep: Oliver Lord e-mail; web
EDI Events and Meetings Subcommittee rep: Auriol Rae e-mail
Members: Emilie Ringe e-mail, web; Claire Nichols e-mail; web, Tetsuya Komabayashi e-mail; web, Alfred Wilson-Spencer e-mail, Frederick Richards e-mail

Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group

Chair: T. Mather e-mail
Secretary: S. Watt e-mail
Treasurer: S. Mikhail e-mail
Student Reps: K. Meredew e-mail, Eilish Brennan e-mail
Website: E. McGowan e-mail
ECR Rep: C. Harnett e-mail
Social Media
: E. Carter e-mail
Newsletter: A. Naismith e-mail
Outreach and Public Engagement: L. Mani e-mail
Fieldtrips: P. Rowley e-mail
Awards and Bursaries: E. Nicholson: e-mail
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: K. Preece e-mail