Geochemistry Group GGRiP 2022

GGRiP 2022 (hybrid)

Venue: Cardiff University

Date: 5–6 May 2022.

Report of this successful meeting to follow soon.


Dr Ernest Chi-Fru (Cardiff University)
Life and death with arsenic 

Prof Rachael James (Southampton University)
Negative emissions: Geochemical techniques for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere


Dr Jung-Woo Park (Seoul National University)
Crustal controls on porphyry Cu ore formation

Dr Arola Marti (University of St Andrews, postdoctoral medal 2022)
Quadruple Sulfur Isotope biosignatures from terrestrial Mars analogue systems

Dr Martin Mangler (Durham university, ECR prominent Lecturer 2021)
Exploring crystal shape as an indicator for magmatic conditions and crystallisation dynamics

Prof. Katie Joy (Manchester University)
Sampling the Moon’s South Pole Aitken basin


The rooms are all accessible and there are low-incline permanent ramps. Lecture theatres have wheelchair-accessible desktop spaces. If you have any other queries, please reach out to the Geochemistry Group and we will be happy to help!