Applied Mineralogy Group-Environmental Mineralogy Group joint RiP meeting 2019


Minerals in a Sustainable Future

Joint hosted by the Applied Mineralogy Group and Environmental Mineralogy Group Annual Research in Progress Meeting

British Geological Survey

13 June 2019

We are inviting posters and oral presentations in any branch of applied and environmental mineralogy and biogeochemistry, including: sustainable mining, resource recovery from waste (mine tailings and industrial wastes), low energy ore (bio-) processing, environmental issues related to mineral extraction and land remediation.

We are pleased to announce our two fantastic keynote speakers:

  • Mr Andrew Bloodworth (BGS Science Director for Minerals and Waste)
  • Dr Ronan Courtney (University of Limerick).

The meeting will also include a demonstration of a chosen imaging or analytical electron microscopy-based technique and/or a guided Geological walk.

Register Here

Participant cost £10