Chapter 13. Functionality and applications of redox-active porous metal–organic framework structures
by Thomas Devic and Christian Serre
While Metal–Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are now considered as promising materials for various applications related to their tunable porosity (gas storage and capture, separation of fluids, controlled drug release, etc.), their potential redox-activity has rarely been exploited. This chapter gives an overview of this rapidly growing field from its origins to 2013. Aspects related to the nature of the redox-active moieties in play, which can be either organic or inorganic, as well as the synthesis procedures available to produce electroactive MOFs, are discussed first. In a second step, redox-driven insertion of neutral or charged species within MOFs and associated characterization techniques are presented. Finally, applications of redox-active MOFs, which range from enhanced gas capture to Li-ion battery electrodes are overviewed briefly.
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