EMU Public Lecture 2022

Dr Oliver Plümper, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Princetonlaan 8A, 3584 CB Utrecht, The Netherlands

19th May 2022, 11.00 am, UK time

The event (online only, on Zoom) is free of charge to attend, but delegates must register in advance here.

Fluid–rock interactions within the solid Earth

In this presentation, I will give a brought overview of our endeavors to determine how fluids interact with rocks from shallow reservoir conditions to the deep Earth, from tectonic plate rates to seismic conditions. I will focus on two examples highlighting the multi-scale and transient nature of fluid-rock interactions. First, I will show how we use machine-learning and molecular dynamics simulations to determine scaling behaviors of evolving fluid pathways and the effect of nanoscale confinement on the nature of geofluids. Finally, I will discuss how we utilize in situ stable isotope geochemistry to determine the microphysical processes occurring during seismic deformation in fluid-bearing crustal fault rocks.