Vol. 75, December 2011

Anorpiment, As2S3, the triclinic dimorph of orpiment
Anthony R. Kampf, Robert T. Downs, Robert M. Housley, Robert A. Jenkins and Jaroslav Hyršl
Anorpiment structure factors
Anorpiment CIFAnorpiment CIF

Fassinaite, Pb22+(S2O3)(CO3), the first mineral with coexisting thiosulphate and carbonate groups: description and crystal structure
L. Bindi, F. Nestola, U. Kolitsch, A. Guastoni and F. Zorzi
Structure Factors: FAS01, FAS02, FAS03
CIF: FAS01, FAS02, FAS03

From structure topology to chemical composition. XII. Titanium silicates: the crystal chemistry of rinkite, Na2Ca4 REETi(Si2O7)2OF3
F. Cámara, E. Sokolova and F.C. Hawthorne
Structure factors: (1992c), (2909), (3741), (H-08-02), (YuksFe); CIF: (1992c), (2909), (3471), (H-08-02), (YuksFe);Anisotropic displacement parameters

Běhounekite, U(SO4)2(H2O)4, from Jáchymov (St Joachimsthal), Czech Republic: the first natural U4+ sulphate
J. Plášil, K. Fejfarová, M. Novák, M. Dušek, R. Škoda2, J. Hloušek, J. Čejka, J. Majzlan, J. Sejkora, V. Machovič and D. Talla
Behounekite CIFand IMA letter

Vol. 75, October 2011

High-pressure crystal structure investigation of synthetic Fe2SiO4 spinel
Fabrizio Nestola, Tonci Balić-Žunić, Monika Koch-Müller, Luciano Secco, Francesco Princivalle, Filippo Parisi and Alberto Dal Negro
Anisotropic-displacement parameters and the crystallographic information (.cif) file at 1 GPa, 3 GPa, 3.5 GPa, 5.12 GPa, 6.01 GPa, 7.29 GPa, 0 GPa

Sveinbergeite, Ca(Fe2+6Fe3+)Ti2(Si4O12)2O2(OH)5(H2O)4, a new astrophyllite-group mineral from the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Oslo Region, Norway: description and crystal structure
A.P. Khomyakov, F. Cámara, E. Sokolova, Y. Abdu and F.C. Hawthorne
Structure factors, CIF and IMA letter

Bassoite, SrV3O74H2O, a new mineral from Molinello mine, Val Graveglia, eastern Liguria, Italy
Luca Bindi, Cristina Carbone, Roberto Cabella and Gabriella Lucchetti
Structure factors and CIF (contact the author)

The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of mendeleevite-Ce, (Cs,o)6(o,Cs)6(o,K)6,(REE,Ca,o)30,(Si70O175)(H2O,OH,F,o)35, a potential microporous material
Elena Sokolova, Frank C. Hawthorne, Leonid A. Pautov, Atali A. Agakhanov and Vladimir Yu. Karpenko
Lists of observed and calculated structure factors (1, 2) and anisotropic displacement parameters, IMA letter

Vol. 75, August 2011

From structure topology to chemical composition. XI. Titanium silicates: crystal structures of innelite-1T and innelite-2M from the Inagli massif, Yakutia, Russia, and the crystal chemistry of innelite.
E. Sokolova, F. Cámara and F.C. Hawthorne
Lists of observed and calculated structure factors for innelite-1T and innelite-2M and anisotropic displacement parameters for groups of atoms in both structures
(innelite-1T .cif file, innelite 1T structure factors, innelite-2M .cif file, innelite 2M structure factors, innelite anisotropic displacement factors). (Supplement Files 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

A secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) re-evaluation of B and Li isotopic compositions of Cu-bearing elbaite from three global localities
T. Ludwig, H.R. Marschall, P.A.E. Pogge von Strandmann, B.M. Shabaga, M. Fayek and F.C. Hawthorne
Electronic Supplement to: Ludwig et al. (2011) A secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) re-evaluation of B and Li isotopic compositions of Cu-bearing elbaite from three global localities

Distinctive properties of rock-forming blue quartz: inferences from a multi-analytical study of submicron mineral inclusions
W. Seifert, D. Rhede, R. Thomas, H.-J. Förster, F. Lucassen, P. Dulski, and R. Wirth
V – Rumburk granite, Višňová /northern Czech Republic, R – Rumburk granite, Hinterhermsdorf, Saxony/Germany, TG -Tourmaline granite, Gottleuba, Elbe Zone/Germany, GD – Granodiorite Massif of Dohna, Elbe Zone/Germany, SAC-1 – Granite, un-deformed, Faja de Eruptiva, San Antonio de los Cobres/Argentina, SAC-2 – Granite, foliated, Faja de Eruptiva, San Antonio de los Cobres/Argentina, WH – Quartz-feldspar-porphyry, Wadi Howar/Sudan, BC – Wyangala granite, Blue crystal Quarry, NSW/Australia, BH – Broken Hill Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, NSW/Australia, LL – Llano rhyolite, north-central Llano County, Texas/USA. Scale is indicated by One-Euro coin (24 mm) and One-Cent coin (16 mm).

Vol. 75, April 2011

Nordgauite, MnAl2(PO4)2(F,OH)2∙5H2O, a new mineral from the Hagendorf Süd pegmatite, Bavaria, Germany: description and crystal structure
W. D. Birch, I. E. Grey, S. J. Mills, A. Pring, C. Bougerol, A. Ribaldi-tunnicliffe, N. C. Wilson and E. Keck
Anisotropic displacement parameters and observed and calculated structure factors

Holtite and dumortierite from the Szklary Pegmatite, Lower Silesia, Poland
A. Pieczka, E. S. Grew, L. A. Groat and R. J. Evans
Table 1a: EMP analyses of the Szklary holtite and dumortierite

The crystal structure of Pb5(As3+O3)Cl7 from the historic slags of Lavrion, Greece – a novel Pb(II) chloride arsenite
O.I. Siidra, S.V. Krivovichev, N.V. Chukanov, I.V. Pekov, A. Magganas, A. Katerinopoulos and P. Voudouris
Table of structure factor data (contact the author)

Vol. 75, February 2011

The compositional variability of eudialyte-group minerals
Julian Schilling, Fu-Yuan Wu, Catherine McCammon, Thomas Wenzel, Michael A.W. Marks, Katharina Pfaff, Dorrit E. Jacob and Gregor Markl
Electronic supplement

Capranicaite, (K,□)(Ca,Na)Al4B4Si2O18: A new inosilicate from Capranica, Italy, with a peculiar topology of the periodic single change [Si2O6]
A.M. Callegari, M. Boiocchi, F. Bellatreccia, E. Caprilli, O. Medenbach and A. Cavallo
Table 5: Observed and calculated structure factors


Vol. 74, December 2010
The crystal structure of dalnegroite, Tl5-xPb2x(As,Sb)21-xS34: A masterpiece of structural complexity
Structure factor data
Vol. 74, October 2010
The crystal structure of munakataite Pb2Cu2(Se4+O3)(SO4)(OH)4, from Otto Mountain, San Bernardino County, California, USA
A.R. Kampf, S.J. Mills and M. Housely
Structure factor data, cif file
Fluoro-potassic-pargasite, KCa2(Mg4Al)(Si6Al2)O22F2 from the Tranomaro area, Madagascar: mineral description and crystal chemistry
R. Oberti, M. Boiocchi, F.C. Hawthorne, R. Pagano and A. Pagano
Structure factor data
Crystal structure and crystal chemistry of fluoro-potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite from Monte Metocha, Xixano region, Mozambique, and discussion of the holotype from Quebec, Canada
R. Oberti, M. Boiocchi, F.C. Hawthorne and P. Robinson
Structure factor data
Vol. 74, August 2010
Lead hydrogen citrate monohydrate, Pb(C6H6O7).H2O, formation during specimen cleaning: a cautionary mineralogical tale
A.R. Kampf and S.J. Mills
Structure factor data, cif file
Major- and trace-element composition of REE-rich turkestanite from peralkaline granites of the Morro Redondo Complex, Graciosa Province, south Brazil
Frederico Castro Jobim Vilalva and Silvio Roberto Farias Vlach
Supplementary Table 1
Carlhintzeite, Ca2AlF7.H2O, from the Gigante granitic pegmatite, Cóordoba province, Argentina: Description and crystal structure
A.R. Kampf, F. Colombo and J. González del Tánago
Structure factor data, cif file
The Mull Palaeogene dyke swarm: insights into the evolution of the Mull igneous centre and dyke-emplacement mechanisms
R. Macdonald, B. Bagiñski, B.G.J. Upton, H. Pinkerton and D.A. Macinnes
Supplementary Table

Supplementary Document
Vol. 74, June 2010
Noonkanbahite, BaKNaTi2(Si4O12)O2, a new mineral species: description and crystal structure
Y.A. Uvarova, E. Sokolova, F.C. Hawthorne, R.P. Liferovich, R.H. Mitchell, I.V. Pekov and A.E. Zadov
Refinement data, Structure factor data
Bendadaite, a new iron arsenate mineral of the arthurite group
U. Kolitsch, D. Atencio, N.V. Chukanov, N.V. Zubkova, L.A.D. Menezes Filho, M.V. Coutinho, W.D. Birch, J. Schlüter, D. Pohl, A.R. Kampf, I.M. Steele, G. Favreau, L. Nasdala, S. Möckel, G. Giester and D. Yu. Pushcharovsky
Structure factor data
The structure of H3O+-exchanged pharmacosiderite
S.J. Mills, S.L. Hager, P. Leverett, P.A. Williams and M. Raudsepp
Structure factor data
Electron backscatter diffraction analysis and orientation mapping of monazite
S.M. Reddy, C. Clark, N.E. Timms and B.M. Eglington
Table 3, Table 4
Fluoroleakeite, NaNa2(Mg2Fe3+2Li)Si8O22F2, a new mineral of the amphibole group from the Verkhnee Espe deposit, Akjailyautas
Mountains, Eastern Kazakhstan District, Kazakhstan: description and crystal structure
F. Cámara, F.C. Hawthorne, N.A. Ball, G. Bekenova, A.V. Stepanov and P.E. Kotel’nikov
Structure factor data
Thermal behaviour of libethenite from room temperature up to dehydration
M. Zema, S.C. Tarantino and A.M. Callegari
Structure factor data 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
The crystal structure of zigrasite, MgZr(PO4)2(H2O)4, a heteropolyhedral framework structure
F.C. Hawthorne and W.B. Simmons
CIF file, Structure factor data
Vol. 74, April 2010
Arisite-(La), a new REE-fluorcarbonate mineral from the Aris phonolite (Namibia), with descriptions of the crystal structures of arisite-(La) and arisite-(Ce)
P.C. Piilonen, A.M. McDonald, J.D. Grice, M.A. Cooper, U. Kolitsch, R. Rowe, R.A. Gault and G. Poirier
Supplementary data
The crystal structure of parkinsonite, nominally Pb7MoO9Cl2: a naturally occurring Aurivillius phase
G. O. Lepore and M.D. Welch
Tables of structure factors 1, 2
The crystal structure of Mg end-member lizardite-1T forming polyhedral spheres from the Lizard, Cornwall
M. Mellini, G. Cressey, F.J. Wicks and B.A. Cressey
Tables of structure factor data 1, 2
Compositional variation of the tennantite tetrahedrite solidsolution series in the Schwarzwald ore district (SW Germany):
the role of mineralization processes and fluid source
S. Staude, T. Mordhorst, R. Neumann, W. Prebeck and G. Markl
Supplementary data table
Vol. 74, February 2010
Ardennite, tiragalloite and medaite: structural control of (As5+,V5+,Si4+)O4 tetrahedra in silicates
M. Nagashima and T. Armbruster
Supplementary Tables S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8
The structure of charoite, (K,Sr,Ba,Mn)15 16(Ca,Na)32[(Si70(O,OH)180)](OH,F)4.0.nH2O, solved by conventional and automated electron diffraction
I. Rozhdestvenskaya, E. Mugnaioli, M. Czank, W. Depmeier, U. Kolb, A. Reinholdt and T. Weirich
Table of anisotropic displacement parameters for charoite Structure factor data for charoite
The crystal structure and compositional range of mckinstryite
U. Kolitsch
Mckinstryite structure factor data, Mckinstryite cif
Vol. 73, December 2009
Complex relationships among co-existing pyroxenes: the Palaeogene Eskdalemuir Dyke, Scotland
B. Bagiński, P. Dzierżanowski, R. Macdonald
and B.G.J. Upton
Supplementary Tables 1, 2a, 2b, Fig. 1
The crystal chemistry of holtite
L. A. Groat, E. S. Grew, R. J. Evans, A. Pieczka, and T. S. Ercit
Supplementary Data 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Vol. 73, October 2009
Description and crystal structure of nyholmite, a new mineral related to hureaulite, from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia
P. Elliott, P. Turner, P. Jensen, U. Kolitsch, and A. Pring
Supplementary Table 1 From structure topology to chemical composition. X. Titanium silicates: the crystal structure and crystal chemistry of nechelyustovite, a group III Ti-disilicate mineral
F. Cámara and E. Sokolova
CIF file, Structure data file Compositional variation in the chevkinite group: new data from igneous and metamorphic rocks
R. Macdonald, H. E. Belkin, F. Wall, and B. Baginski
Supplementary Tables 1, 2, 3, 4 Fluoro-aluminoleakeite, NaNa2(Mg2Al2Li)Si8O22F2, a new mineral of the amphibole group from Norra Kärr, Sweden: description and crystal structure
R. Oberti, F. Cámara, F. C. Hawthorne, and N. A. Ball
Supplement 1, 2
The crystal structure of Ga-rich plumbogummite from Tsumeb, Namibia
S. J. Mills, A. R. Kampf, M. Raudsepp, and A. G. Christy
FCF file CIF file
Cámaraite, Ba3NaTi4(Fe2+,Mn)8(Si2O7)4O4(OH,F)7. II. The crystal structure and crystal chemistry of a new group-II Ti-disilicate mineral
F. Cámara, E. Sokolova, and F. Nieto
Supplementary Table 1, Table 2
Vol. 73, June 2009
Plastic deformations in kyanites by tectonometamorphic processes: a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study
G.D. Gatta, N. Rotiroti, and M. Zucali
Structure Factors 1, 2, 3
Alumoåkermanite, (Ca,Na)2(Al,Mg,Fe2+)Si2O7), a new mineral from the active carbonatite-nephelinite-phonolite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Northern Tanzania
D. Wiedenmann, A.N. Zaitsev, S.N. Britvin, S.V. Krivovichev, and J. Keller
Deposited table
Fluoro-sodic-ferropedrizite, NaLi2(Fe22+Al2Li)Si8O22F2, a new mineral of the amphibole group from the Sutlug River, Tuva Republic, Russia: description and crystal structure
R. Oberti, M. Boiocchi, N.A. Ball and F.C. Hawthorne
Table of Calculated and Observed Structure Factors; CIF file
The morphologies and compositions of depleted uranium particles from an environmental case study
N.S. Lloyd, J.F.W. Mosselmans, R.R. Parrish, S.R.N. Chenery, S.V. Hainsworth, and S.J. Kemp
Appendix 1, Appendix 2
Vol. 73, April 2009
The Palaeogene Eskdalemuir dyke, Scotland: long-distance lateral transport of rhyolitic magma in a mixed-magma intrusion
R. Macdonald, B. Baginski, B.G.J. Upton, P. Dzierzanowski and W. Marshall-Roberts
Supplementary Tables 1, 2, 3
Steverustite, Pb2+5((OH)5[Cu1+(S6+O3S2-)3(H2O)2, a new thiosulphate mineral from the Frongoch Mine Dump, Devil’s Bridge, Ceredigion, Wales:
Description and crystal structure
Mark A. Cooper, Frank C. Hawthorne and Elizabeth Moffat
CIF file Appendix
The geochemistry of Middle Jurassic dykes associated with the Straumsvola-Tvora alkaline plutons, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica and their association with the Karoo large igneous province
T. R. Riley, M. L. Curtis, P.T. Leat, and I. L. Millar
Table 1
Vol. 73, February 2009
Chevkinite-group minerals from granulite-facies metamorphic rocks and associated pegmatties of East Antarctica and South India
H.e. Belkin, R. Macdonald and E.S. Grew
Supplementary Table of analyses
Aschalmalmite (Pb6Bi2S9): crystal structure and ordering scheme for pb and Bi atoms
A.M. Callegari and M. Boiocchi
Table 5 CIF
Preferred ion diffusion pathways and activation energies for Ag in the crystal structure of stephanite, Ag5SbS4
M. Leitl, A. Pfitzner and L. Bindi
Table of anisotropic displacement parameters
Mavlyanovite, Mn5Si3: a new mineral species from a lamproite diatreme, Chatkal ridge, Uzbekistan
R.G. Yusupov, C.J. Stanley, M.D. Welch, J. Spratt, G. Cressey, M.S. Rumsey, R. Seltmann and E. Igamberdiev
Table to be added
Vol. 72, December 2008
From structure topology to chemical composition. IX. Titanium silicates: revision of the crystal chemistry of lomonosovite and murmanite, Group-IV minerals
F. Camara, E. Sokolova, F. C. Hawthorne and Y. Abdu
Observed and calculated structure factors for lomonosovite (1, 2) and murmanite (1, 2)
REE partitioning between apatite and melt in a peralkaline volcanic suite, Kenya Rift Valley
R. Macdonald, B. Baginski, H. E. Belkin, P. Dzierzanowski, and L. Jezak
Supplementary data tables 1, 2, 3
Vol. 72, October 2008
TOURCOMP: A program for estimating end-member proportions in tourmalines
A. Pesquera, F. Torres, P. Gil-Crespo, J. Torrez-Ruis
TOURCOMP programme
Magnetic behaviour of trioctahedral mica-2M1 occurring in a magnetic anomaly zone
S. Pini, M. Affronte and M.F. Brigatti
Crystallographic coordinates, Structure factors
Vol. 71, December 2007
Crystal chemistry of leucite from the Roman Comagmatic Province (central Italy): a multi-methodological study
G.D. Gatta, N. Rotiroti, F. Bellatreccia, and G. della Ventura
Deposited Table 5, Bond distances and angles pertaining to the four natural samples of leucite.
Vol. 71, October 2007
Phlogopite from the Ventaruolo subsynthem volcanics (Mt. Vulture, Italy), a multimethod study
E. Schingaro, F. Scordari, S. Matarrese, E. Mesto, F. Stoppa, G. Rosatelli and G. Pedrazzi
Tables 2a, 2b, 7
The crystal structures, solid solutions and infrared spectra of copiapite-group minerals
J. Majzlan and R. Michallik
Supplementary data
Vol. 71, August 2007
The crystal structure of ammoniojarosite (NH4)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 and the crystal chemistry of the ammoniojarosite-hydronium jarosite solid-solution series
L.C. Basciano and R.C. Peterson
Supplementary data
Vol. 71, June 2007
Incorporation of Fe3+ in phase-X, A2-xM2Si2O7Hx, a potential high-pressure K-rich hydrous silicate in the mantle
Luca Bindi, Andrewy Bobrov and Yuriy A. Litvin
Table 3. Observed and calculated structure factors for crystal PIR1
Gittinsite-type M1+-M3+-diarsenates (M1+ = Li,Na; M3+ = Al, Sc,Ga): insights into an unexpected isotypy and crystal chemistry of diarsenates
K. Schwendtner and U. Kolitsch
Table 7a, b, c, d observed and calculated structure factors
Vol. 71, April 2007
LREE distribution patterns in zoned alkali feldspar megacrysts from the Karkonosze pluton, Bohemian Massif – implications for parental magma composition
E. Slaby, R. Seltman, B. Kober, A. Müller, L. Galbarczyk-Gasiorowska and T. Jeffries
Table of Supplementary Data
Vol. 70, December 2006
Origin of the secondary REE minerals at the Paratoo copper deposit near Yunta, South Australia
J. Brugger, J. Ogierman, A. Pring, H. Waldron and U. Kolitsch
Table 3. Neutron activation chemical analyses of rocks from the Paratoo mine. Elements analysed but found below detection limit: Ag, Cd, Hg, Ir, Se. Mo≤10.2ppm, W≤7.2 ppm, Te ≤ 6.2 ppm. Vol. 70, August 2006
REE zoning in allanite related to changing partition coefficients during crystallization: implications for REE behaviour in an epidote-bearing tonalite
J.S. Beard, S.S. Sorensen and R. Gieré
Appendix A: 540 individual allanite analyses from 51 allanite crystals in 38 samples Vol. 70, August 2006
Sazhinite-(La), Na3LaSi6O15(H2O)2, a new mineral from the Aris phonolite, Namibia: Description and crystal structure
F. Cámara, L. Ottolini, B. Devouard, L.A.J. Garvie and F.C. Hawthorne
Table 6. Observed and calculated structure factors for sazhinite-(La) Vol. 70, June 2006
On the thermo-elastic behaviour of kyanite: a neutron powder diffraction study up to 1200°C
by G. D. Gatta, F. Nestola and J.M. Walter
Tables 2 and 32005
Vol. 68, December 2005
Redgillite, Cu6(OH)10(SO4)H2O, a new mineral from Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England: description and crystal structure
by J.J. Pluth, I.M. Steele, A.R. Kampf and D.I. Green
Table 5. Atomic fractional coordinates (x 104), equivalent isotropic and anisotropic displacement coefficients of Sr feldspar (pdf 60 KB)
Table 6. Observed and calculated structure factors for Sr feldspar (pdf 372 KB)
Vol. 68, December 2004
Seismic-frequency attenuation at first-order phase transitions: dynamical mechanical analysis of pure and Ca-doped lead orthophosphate
by R.J. Harrison, S.A.T. Redfern and U. Bismayer
This movie of microsctructure observed as a function of force, in reflected light (52 Mb) has now been removed and is available direct from the author
Non-metamict betafite from Le Carcarelle (Vico volcanic complex, Italy): occurrence and crystal structure
by F. Cámara, C.T. Williams, G. Della Ventura, R. Oberti, and E. Caprilli
Table 4, Structure factor data (pdf 40 KB)
Vol. 68, October 2004
AMPH-IMA04: a revised hypercard program to determine the name of an amphibole from chemical analyses according to the 2004 International Mineralogical Association scheme
by A. Mogessie, K. Ettinger and B.E. Leake
The program AMPH-IMA04 (version a – compressed using Binhex)
The program AMPH-IMA04 (version b – compressed using Stuffit)
(This program is written in Hypercard and is for Mac users only 1 MB).
Vol. 68, August 2004
Synthesis and crystal structure of a new microporous silicate with a mixed octahedral-tetrahedral framework: Cs3ScSi8O19
by U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns
Structure factor data (pdf 124 KB)
Vol. 68, April 2004
Pb-Si ordering in sheet-oxychloride minerals: the super-structure of asisite, nominally Pb7SiO8Cl2
by M.D. Welch
Structure factor data (Word doc – 32 KB)
Origin of placer laurite from Borneo: Se and As contents, and S isotopic compositions
by K. Hattori et al.
Data Repository comprising two plates (pdf 2.3 MB)
Vol. 67, October 2003
The structure of hügelite, an arsenate of the phosphuranylite group, and its relationship to dumontite
by A.J. Locock and P.C. Burns
Structure factor data (pdf 1.1 MB)
Vol. 67, August 2003
Fluoronyböite from Jianchang (Su-Lu, China) and nyböite from Nybö (Nordfjord, Norway): a petrological and crystal-chemical comparison of these two high-pressure amphiboles
by R. Oberti et al.
Structure factor data (pdf 104 KB)
The crystal structure of anthropogenic Pb2(OH)3(NO3), and a review of Pb-(O,OH) clusters and lead nitrates
by U. Kolitsch and E. Tillmanns
Table 5 (rtf 160 KB)
Vol. 67, February 2003
A single crystal X-ray study of a sulphate-bearing buttgenbachite, Cu36Cl7.8(NO3)1.3(SO4)0.35(OH), and a re-examination of the crystal chemistry of the buttgenbachite- connellite series
by D.E. Hibbs et al.
Table 9 (rtf 76 KB)

Vol. 66, December 2002
Compositional variation in minerals of the chevkinite group
by R Macdonald and H.E. Belkin
Table of chevkinite analyses (xls 108 K