Mineral Deposits Studies Group Annual Meeting January 2022 – University of Leicester

This year’s MDSG meeting will be held at the University of Leicester, UK.

As of 9th December, the Mineral Deposits Studies Group has decided to postpone its 45th AGM due to be held in the city of Leicester from January 5–7th 2022.

Registration has been closed.

The MDSG is a special interest group associated with the Geological Society, the Mineralogical Society and the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining (IOM3). The purpose of the group is to study mineral deposits, mineralization processes and other geological topics related to mineralization. We hold a meeting every winter in which we showcase the latest research in economic geology, and we particularly encourage research students to present their work.

Full details are available at the MDSG website: http://mdsg.org.uk/event/mdsg-2022-agm-leicester/

 In-person delegates may opt to attend the Satarla “Introduction to ESG in the mineral industry” short course, on the afternoon of the 5th.

Online attendees will have access to all the oral presentations at the MDSG, via Zoom. We are still exploring options for access to material presented on posters. There will be a limited number of spaces for online attendees to present.

Presentations and Abstracts
We are accepting abstracts from delegates that wish to present talks, lightning talks (3 minutes), or posters.. The number of slots we can offer to speakers is limited. Priority will be given to research students. We will prioritise speaking slots for in-person presenters.

Please use the abstract template to prepare your abstract.

We estimate that talk slots will be 10-15 minutes depending on demand.

Posters should be prepared as A0, portrait format. We will provide poster boards and mounting materials. We are exploring options for online hosting of posters so that virtual attendees can view them. Poster presenters should prepare an electronic version of their poster (PDF format) in anticipation of this.

Lightning talks are strictly 3 minutes long, and are primarily intended for new research students to introduce themselves and their research. Poster presenters will be offered slots for lightning talks if we have sufficient capacity.