This is a FREE undergraduate meeting for post-graduate opportunities in the mineralogical sciences, to be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 29th November in the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. Please alert your final year students to this event.
The event is be limited to 100 places, so it will be first-come, first-served.
We will have talks from the President of the Society (Prof. Hilary Downes), one of the Society’s distinguished lecturers (Helen Williams) and representatives of the Society’s special interest groups, and there will also be the opportunity for someone from your own institution to give a quick (couple of minutes) overview of PhD projects that are likely to be offered in the next year, with an informal discussion with potential candidates over a drink at the end of the meeting. If you want to make use of this and send someone over to Leeds on the day please let me know in advance – we will probably be limited to 8 – 10 representatives, and Leeds and Cambridge have already expressed an interest, so, as with the student places, this will have to be on a first-come, first-served basis.
Contact Jason Harvey (e-mail) to register.